What is Virtual data warehouse?

3 min read
Apr 3, 2023 10:14:00 AM

The Emergence of the Virtual Data Warehouse

Data warehousing projects have long been considered the holy grail of data management for businesses. However, in practice, they often prove difficult to implement, requiring IT and business users to agree on the metrics, data structure and ETL tools to consolidate data into a common structure. Once a data warehouse has been built, it is hard to make changes. This leads to projects running over time, analysis paralysis, and a lack of confidence in the resulting data.

The Challenges of Traditional Data Warehousing

The concept of a data warehouse is not new and emerged in the 1980s as a solution to give business users a way to work with data and apply their own rules to it independently of specific data structures in the transaction systems. However, the technical and human challenges of implementing a data warehouse make it difficult for businesses to see positive impacts.

One of the biggest challenges with traditional data warehousing is that it requires significant effort to get IT and business users to agree on the metrics, data structure, and ETL tools that will be used to consolidate data into a common structure. This process can be complex and time-consuming, leading to projects running over time and costing more than initially planned.

Once a data warehouse has been built, it is difficult to make changes. The structure and schema of the data warehouse are typically rigid, making it challenging to modify the data models, which can result in a lack of flexibility and agility in data analysis. In addition, maintaining a data warehouse can be expensive, requiring specialized skills, hardware, and software.

The Emergence of Virtual Data Warehousing

To address these challenges, a new generation of data blending and streaming platforms have emerged, offering a virtual data warehouse. Eyko's virtual data warehouse is one such solution that delivers all the benefits of a data warehouse without the downsides associated with them.

These platforms connect to systems and leverage modern technologies like AI and Machine Learning to clean data from multiple systems at speed and scale. The data is held and aggregated in a central repository, and users can stream the data directly into whatever application they use to consume it. These platforms don't care what application the user wants to work in; they focus on ensuring the data is consistent regardless of the source application.

The Advantages of Virtual Data Warehousing

The virtual data warehouse encourages a less procedural and more agile approach to data management. The ease with which users can connect to systems, blend data, and see the result in Excel, for example, means that they spend less time designing the perfect system and more time perfecting the system as they go. The platform allows users to see results faster and encourages users to complete projects rather than building their own shadow data systems.

For businesses that already have data warehouses, these new-generation solutions can coexist with them by sourcing data directly from enterprise applications. The virtual data warehouse can be a solution for businesses that do not have a data warehouse, delivering the benefits without the pain.


In conclusion, data warehousing projects often run over time, leading to analysis paralysis and a lack of confidence in the resulting data. However, a new generation of data blending and streaming platforms has emerged, offering a virtual data warehouse that delivers all the benefits of a data warehouse without the pain points associated with them. Eyko's virtual data warehouse is one such solution that leverages modern technologies like AI and Machine Learning to clean data from multiple systems at speed and scale. It encourages a less procedural and more agile approach to data management, and the ease with which users can connect to systems, blend data, and see the result means they spend less time designing the perfect system and more time analyzing the information.

To read more about how eyko applies Application Intelligence™ for business users to create virtual data warehouses read this ebook.

To find out more about these types of systems please go to www.eyko.io

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